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BODY AND SOUL - Johnny Green


This standard was written in 1930 by Johnny Green, with lyrics from Edward HeymanRobert Sour and Frank Eyton. The form is 32 bars over AABA. The A section involves a lot of 2 5 1 chord progressions in Db, however the bridge has a total shift.

Drums, Piano and Bass

Watch and listen to this version before trying to practise along with the videos without piano/bass.

Body and Soul lead sheet.jpg

Drums and Bass
Focus on the consistent crotchet, not dragging or rushing. Practise along to a metronome.


 Listen to how cymbals and different brush sweeps create completely different textrual/timbre changes. Although, do not let the time suffer from playing the cymbals or leaving more space.

Body and Soul lead sheet.jpg


Focus on the triplet, and then the semiquaver at this tempo. Listen to how the bass lines are simple, but still effective. Just because the tempo is slower, don't use it as an excuse to play more notes.


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